Exploring TrumpWorld

Av Sindre Asplem


In 2017 BuzzFeed News posted an article requesting help in analysing a network they
have named TrumpWorld, a file containing now President Donald Trumps connections
compiled as a list of the people and organisations in his network and how they relate to
each other. The aim of their venture was to shed light on the then new Presidents relations to better understand how these might affect public policy. The data is built from
public records, news reports, and other sources on the Trump family, his Cabinet picks,
and top advisers . None of the relations from TumpWorld have been verified by me as 1
part of this analysis, and may contain errors, it should also be noted that this dataset
was last updated and some findings may therefore not be relevant today.


Full text:  http://info207.w.uib.no/files/2020/10/sas020_exploring_trumpworld.pdf