Comparing different auction formats in galleries
By Kenneth Apeland and Mikal Fuglestein, Fall 2018 inf207AuctionFormats
By Kenneth Apeland and Mikal Fuglestein, Fall 2018 inf207AuctionFormats
Av Henrik Størksen Follesø og Nora Gedde, høst 2018 inf207braessParadox
Written by Stefan Ellenberger, Autumn 2018 There’s a saying in Las Vegas – the house always wins. This certainly sounds reasonable, as any house that didn’t always win would shutter their doors shortly after revealing to the gambling world that they had winnable games. Most people visiting casino know this, and will stay cautiously optimistic while…
Skrevet av dbo009 og khu010 Dato: 30.09.2018 Internett har i alle år vært en åpen plattform for alle. Hvem som helst kan laste opp og dele hva man vil til en veldig stor grad, uten at det i de fleste tilfeller vil utfalle nevneverdige følger av det. Dette tilrettelegger for ulovlig deling av…
Written by Gediminas Borisas (gbo015) Take a minute to reflect on your friends. You and your friends have a lot of things in common which makes sense as to why you are friends in the first place. Those things could be unalterable like gender, nationality, ethnicity, or alterable like interests, appearance or political views. A presence…